quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012

Winnie the pooh

Boa tarde a todas (os) !

O ursinho mais guloso da disney não podia faltar neste blog. Na espera de seus amigos, aqui está o nosso amigo saboreando sua comida preferida, o mel.

Boas cruzes !

Winnie the pooh eating honey

Winnie the pooh eating honey cross stitch pattern


Grid Size:              160W x 203H
Design Area:       10,57" x 13,71"  (148 x 192 stitches)

Legend: Stitches
!               DMC 310               black
"               DMC 444               lemon - dk
#               DMC 799               delft blue - md
$               DMC 606               burnt orange-red
%               DMC 995               electric blue - dk
&              DMC 3752            antique blue - vy lt
'               DMC 743               yellow - md
(               DMC 776               pink - md

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